Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The State of The Economy as it relates to Outsourcing

Outsourcing, what is it's purpose?  To whose detriment is the result of outsourcing targeted towards?
Is the concomitant rise in the cost of living a buffer to ensure the the affect on those targeted?

Outsourcing is to the working class, what Ebola is to the already poor, dis bonded, disenchanted citizens of third world countries.  The fortunate few of these same third world countries will be the recipients of the outsourced jobs.  There is no humanitarian relief implied or intended.

The purpose is to demoralize the already stressful lives of the working class.  Wealthy not rich people developed outsourcing with the pre paid law makers they finance.  To hell with $7.25 an hour when I could pay $1.25 to Punjab or Ming Cho Hing.  There may even be more sinister goals attributed to the implementation of outsourcing.  There is a direct correlation to the rise in the cost of living, as it relates to the working class and the rise in arrest numbers generated by desperate measures taken by jobless people trying to feed their family.

In a society that builds more prisons than schools or hospitals the industry of choice is corrections, with focus on the more desperate poor people get the, more likely poor people will resort to actions that will produce a steady flow of revenue via the judicial system.


  1. I like the topic guy .. We're living in serious times, the pendulum seems stuck on poor.

  2. Deciding on the Destinies of Others
    Malba Tahan tells the story of a man who met an angel in the desert and gave him water.
    “I am the angel of death and I came to get you,” said the angel. “But as you were kind, I will lend you the Book of Destiny for five minutes; you may change what you want.”

    The angel gave the man the book. As he was leafing through its pages, the man began reading about the lives of his neighbors. And he got discontented,
    “These people don’t deserve such nice things,” he said. With the pen in hand, he began worsening the lives of each one.

    Finally, he reached the page of his destiny. He saw his tragic end, but as he prepared to change it, the book disappeared. Five minutes had already passed.
    And right there, the angel took the man’s soul.
    -Paulo Coelho-
