Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Police State of New York / To Protect and Serve their own interest!!!!!!!!

      Bloomberg's administration is totally insensitive to the needs of native New Yorkers.  Homelessness, unemployed, home owners cry foul daily, these cries fall upon blind eyes, deaf ears, and muted mouths.  New Yorkers live in a state hostile towards its citizens.  Bloomberg's administration does not concern its self with generating jobs, yet emphasis is directed to the parasitic practices of bleeding New Yorkers to the point of mass exodus.  The #1 generator revenue for NYC are monies collected by incarceration, fines and the judicial system. New York is small compared to other states, but has more police than teachers, there is the NYPD, Sanitation Police, School Police, Correction Officers, MTA Police, and whole menagerie of police titles.  Latino and African American New Yorkers who have the misfortune of being incarcerated may be victimized in triplicate, fabricated charges, fines attached to the conviction and while incarcerated in predominately white communities, they are incorporated in the head count tallied by U.S. Census Bureau generating funds and services for that communities benefit long after the convicted is returned to his jobless and beleaguered neighborhood.  This is just a quarter inch of the whole twelve yards of politrics enforced by Bloomberg's administration and his Police who Protect and Serve their own interest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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